Saturday, 3 March 2012

Weight loss

I am sure everyone around me is sick of me whining about needing to lose weight, while watching me tuck into a delicious bowl of chocolate ice cream with all the trimmings. I've tried everything, and while I get really into a fad, as most do, I run out of steam.

So, I decided to start eating healthy (so logical, why didn't I think of this years ago?!). A low calorie menu everyday, full of fresh fruit and vegies. 

Guess where that got me? 

So I'm back on fads.

My latest self stroke of genius is this:
I am successful with fads. So I have decided to kick-start a healthy way of living with a detox and 'rapid weight loss' product. My weapon of choice - Skinny Mini. 

So tomorrow morning when I wake up cue Skinny Mini, low calorie meals and plenty of water. If I'm feeling really up to it, I may even slog it out on the treadmill. Time to do it right this time, so I am going to measure and weigh myself before I begin in the morning and post it for the whole world to see. Everyday I will document my weight loss (or gain) with measurements, weights and even (cringe) pictures. 

So tonight I have said my last hoorah to my delicious ice cream, have emptied out the fridge of temptations and cleared a shelf for my healthy shop tomorrow. 

Goal for this week: to lose at least one kilo and 1cm from my tummy, thighs and hips. 

Wish me luck and cheer me on.

And any advice you have, throw it at me baby, cause I need all the help I can get.

Essie xx

My first blog


My name is 'Essie' and I've decided to start a blog for a few reasons:

  • To get things off my chest anonymously, without hurting anyone's feelings or paying someone excessive amounts of money to nod and say 'so how do you feel about that'.
  • To motivate me. The main reason for this blog is for my own personal development. I am starting a weight loss and self improvement journey. If I post my journey publicly, it could help others out there and also, if I say I'm going to do something, I'm more than likely to follow it through if I've put it out into the universe.
  • To share my opinion. I have lots of them. I hope to make you laugh, cry, think and challenge about what I might post. 

So here it goes....

Essie xx